
Tuesday, May 29, 2018

From my pie graph I can tell that 33.3% of the class would prefer turtles and dolphins which is the most in the class. I can also tell that the least popular sea animal in my class is octopuses I would of thought that the stingray would be the most popular in the class cause they are really cool.  

Friday, May 25, 2018

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Friday, May 18, 2018

Hawksbill sea turtle
Have you ever heard of a Hawksbill Sea Turtle? Well if you haven't
you should probably read this... Today I am going to talk to you

about what the Hawksbill Turtle looks like, why it is endangered
and what it eats. I hope you enjoy it. 😄😃😀😆

Hawksbill Turtles are beautiful, medium sized sea Turtles.
Adults are usually 30-36 inches long and weigh 100-200 pounds.
100 pounds is 45 kgs and 200 pounds is 91 kgs. Their carapace is
covered in thick overlapping scales that are called scutes. 🤩😜

Hawksbill Turtles are critically endangered because of their beautifu
l shell. They have been hunted for hundreds of years in huge numbers
for the tortoise shell that is used in many types of jewelry and
trinkets. 😎😃

A Hawksbills diet consists mainly of sponges that live on coral reefs.
Their sharp, narrow beaks are used to feed on prey found in reef
crevices. They can also eat anemones squid and shrimp. 😆😛😄

Today I just talked to you about the hawksbill sea turtle I said what it
looks like why they are endangered and what they eat  I hope you
liked it.😌😆

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Thursday, May 10, 2018

Word Of The Day:
Sentence about knavery
There are a lot of people that are knavery in this world.
Knavery means
Unprincipled, untrustworthy, or dishonest dealing; trickery.

soccer report


Soccer also known as football is a fun and
cool game to play at all times for boys and girls.
One of the reasons soccer is so popular is that you only need
 a ball and a flat open area to play on. Kids throughout the
world will make up fields and goals just about anywhere and
start playing the game. The game is also fun and competitive.

How to play

A game is played in two halves of 45 minutes.
Both teams have to kick the ball into each other's goals.
The goalkeeper has to defend the ball from going into the goal.
The rules of soccer are fairly simple. You cannot touch the ball
with your hands or arms intentionally unless you are the goalie.
You cannot foul another player or be offside.

How to set up

For this game you need 2 teams of eleven players including

a goalkeeper. You also need two goals on each side of the

field/court and you need to get some cones or spray to mark

out the area your not supposed to go out of.

How to win

If you kick the ball in the opposite team's goal you win points
for your team. At the end of the game the team with the most
points wins the soccer game.

Soccer/football is a fantastic and physical game and I hope you
try it out. From Tia