
Friday, May 31, 2019

Egg science

WALT make connections between the human skeletal system and our science experiment.

The first thing we did was put a egg into a jar then we tipped vinegar in it till the egg was fully covered.

 All we needed was an egg, vinegar and a jar. We had to leave the egg in the jar for 4 days but on day 3 my groups egg cracked in the jar but we just had to leave it. 

When it was the day to pull the egg out it was all gooey and slimy the yoke ended up cracking so Emma through it on the ground. 

It was really fun holding other peoples eggs that did work because they looked really cool.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Building a catapult

Team building

Walt show our school values during team building

Today for team building Emma, Eva and I worked together to make a catapult.
At first we had to come up with a design so we made a box catapult then we tested them all out.
The second time the teacher let us watch a video so that meant that everyone would make the same catapult so we wanted to be unique so we used pens to draw on our marshmallows because none of us really like marshmallows. Our first catapult shot the marshmallow pretty far but the second one wasn't very good because I didn't pull the spoon back far enough. This project was really fun and I think we are pretty proud of ourselves.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Team building

Team building

WALT show our school values during team building 

Today me and my friends Eva, Lyric and Maniai worked together using our school values such as being responsible for our own actions, respecting each others opinions, making sure we include everyone and treating everyone equally. We were planing on making an Eiffel tower but it turned out to be a spider looking thing. I think we could have made something a bit better with  more time but we did pretty good together. 

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Measurement and geometry

WALT find the perimeter and area of regular and irregular shapes.

Me and my class had to find the perimeter of a few shapes. This work was not that hard because we have been learning about it for the past week or so. I am really glad I finished this on time. 

Thursday, May 9, 2019


WALT: think critically about texts and respond accordingly.


REFLECTION: This week we have been reading facts about the digestive system and we also read a story about a man named Ted and his friend that got lost in the wilderness and had to eat mice to survive.

I was surprised that I learnt so many facts about the digestive system and the way Ted and his friend survived in the wild. They must be very brave to have eaten mice to survive.

I was very proud of myself for not getting distracted by my friends and finishing my work with animation, colour and fonts at the best of my abilities.

This week I tried to finish my work on time without anyone distracting me. I also tried to finish my work at a level 4 standard. 

Friday, May 3, 2019

Literacy slides

WALT think critically about texts and response accordingly

Reflection: This slide was very fun to make and I learnt a lot of facts about skeletons. I also liked making the story of someone getting lost at sea with a broken leg.