
Thursday, June 27, 2019

Literacy series

Walt: Think critically about a range of texts by summarising and evaluating new information  

 Reflection: Eva and I have been working on this slide for around 2 weeks now.

The first thing we worked on was the human brain. First we read some facts then we had to write our own summary's.

The second thing we worked on the solar system. We read about it first then we had to write a summary and Eva made a  solar system on tinker cad.

The third thing we did was astrology. I was not at school when the class did this so only Eva did it.

The fourth thing we read about is elements which are fire, water, air and earth. This was my favourite thing to work on as it was very interesting.

The fifth thing we talked about was our star signs which are Aries and Scorpio. It was really cool working on this and I learnt a lot about my star signs.

The sixth thing we talked about was good sleep for the brain which is a very important subject to learn about.

The last thing we talked about was dream catchers and that was really fun because afterwards we got to make one with a buddy which for me was Eva.

Eva and I worked on this slide really well together and we put a lot of effort into it.

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