
Wednesday, December 4, 2019


WALT: Be creative with poetry.  

 Reflection: In the past few weeks we have been looking at different types of poetry such as lyric poems, haiku poems and acrostic poems. I find that the poems that stick out the most are creative and humorists unlike mines. I am really happy with the poems I have made.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Climate Change part 2

WALT Summarise a text in our own words 

Monday, September 16, 2019

Climate change

WALT: Summarise a text in our own words

Monday, September 2, 2019

Variable poster

👍WALT create a poster about variables👍

Monday, August 26, 2019


WALT use the order of operation

Friday, August 23, 2019

Camera shots and angles

WALT take a variety of different camera shots

Me and my two friends Eva and Manaia have taken a variety of different camera shots.
We took shots like close up shot, wide shot, mid shot, over the shoulder shot, birds eye shot, two shot and worms eye shot we took them all on a iPad.We also did this activity on cross country day which didn't  give us much time to finish although some people did manage to get it finished.It was a really fun activities to do and I hope that our teacher lets us do similar activities again.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Film Making

WALT Create a short film.

Throughout the term we have been making short films that were under a minute. We have made four films 1.Tween age mutant ninga humans 2.Drunk driving 3. Ihumatao interview which is what this film is and the 4th film Rats. 

We had a guy named Harley come into our class and teach us how to make a good quality film how to work the tripods and showed us the different jobs you have to making a film. 

There are jobs like director which was Lyric camera operator which was me sound recorder which was Cameron clapper loader which was Rachna and then there are the actors which were Emma, Eva and Shaie. 

It was really nice of our teacher to let us make such fun films and I hope we do it for the whole term.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

SOUL Summary

WALT: Summary's a text in our own words.

Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Maths class

In the past 2 weeks I have been working with

5 girls like always Emma, Eva, Manaia-Jae Shaie

and our teacher Miss Fleet. 

Miss Fleet teaches us after morning tea when the

rest of our class is doing ssr which stands for

sustainable silent reading.

I do really like reading but these past weeks have

been really helpful with our maths.

We have been learning about algebra, decimals,

fractions and other things like that.

We have been using things like money, fraction

papers, decimal papers and blank paper to help learn

this stuff.

I think this is a really good opportunity for me

and my friends to get better at maths and the

activities she sets us up with are actually pretty fun. 

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Film making

Me and my friends Shaie Eva Emma and Manaia-Jae
were in a team to make a film in around 2 hours. We had to
come up with our own topics and it had to be no longer
than 1 minute.

My friends and I were thinking of the topics we thought of
kindness and ninjas so we did tweenage mutant ninja
humans. After we found our topic we raced outside and
on to the playground. I found it embarrassing so I filmed it.
So I was the director Emma, Eva and Manaia were ninjas and
Shaie was the bad guy that killed Manaia.

Part 1 Shaie pushing Manaia off the playground and we
got two different angles of that scene. Part 2 Emma and
Eva fighting Shaie. Part 3 Shaie got knocked out. Part
4 Shaie getting dragged around the school. Part 5 Putting
Shaie in the back room. When everyone had finished
getting there footage it was time to go inside and edit.
We were editing for about half an hour.

When everyone had finally finished there films it was
time to share with the class we were presenting ours
first everyone was laughing at the funny
scenes we put in and when it had finished the teacher
asked us to play it again cause the class really liked
it after everyone had shown there films the teacher
asked us to share ours with her so she could have a copy.

All the teams did a really good job with there film and
I really hope we can make another film one day because
my team and I have already come up with our next topic.

Thursday, June 27, 2019

Literacy series

Walt: Think critically about a range of texts by summarising and evaluating new information  

 Reflection: Eva and I have been working on this slide for around 2 weeks now.

The first thing we worked on was the human brain. First we read some facts then we had to write our own summary's.

The second thing we worked on the solar system. We read about it first then we had to write a summary and Eva made a  solar system on tinker cad.

The third thing we did was astrology. I was not at school when the class did this so only Eva did it.

The fourth thing we read about is elements which are fire, water, air and earth. This was my favourite thing to work on as it was very interesting.

The fifth thing we talked about was our star signs which are Aries and Scorpio. It was really cool working on this and I learnt a lot about my star signs.

The sixth thing we talked about was good sleep for the brain which is a very important subject to learn about.

The last thing we talked about was dream catchers and that was really fun because afterwards we got to make one with a buddy which for me was Eva.

Eva and I worked on this slide really well together and we put a lot of effort into it.

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Squaring whole numbers

WALT: Square whole numbers.  

Reflection:This week for maths we have been learning how to square whole numbers. 

Me and my friends Emma, Eva and Manaia were working beside each other and that was a bad idea because we finished our work at lunch time. 

I think I did my work pretty good but next time I am going to have to work faster to get my work done on time.

Friday, June 7, 2019

Kindness Series

WALT analyse kindness as one of our school values
This work was really fun to do and I am glad that I finished this work on time.
I also had some help from my friends that gave me ideas.
We all shared our work together and gave each other good feedback.
Kindness is a value that our school is focusing on this week and that everyone should think of.

Friday, May 31, 2019

Egg science

WALT make connections between the human skeletal system and our science experiment.

The first thing we did was put a egg into a jar then we tipped vinegar in it till the egg was fully covered.

 All we needed was an egg, vinegar and a jar. We had to leave the egg in the jar for 4 days but on day 3 my groups egg cracked in the jar but we just had to leave it. 

When it was the day to pull the egg out it was all gooey and slimy the yoke ended up cracking so Emma through it on the ground. 

It was really fun holding other peoples eggs that did work because they looked really cool.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Building a catapult

Team building

Walt show our school values during team building

Today for team building Emma, Eva and I worked together to make a catapult.
At first we had to come up with a design so we made a box catapult then we tested them all out.
The second time the teacher let us watch a video so that meant that everyone would make the same catapult so we wanted to be unique so we used pens to draw on our marshmallows because none of us really like marshmallows. Our first catapult shot the marshmallow pretty far but the second one wasn't very good because I didn't pull the spoon back far enough. This project was really fun and I think we are pretty proud of ourselves.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Team building

Team building

WALT show our school values during team building 

Today me and my friends Eva, Lyric and Maniai worked together using our school values such as being responsible for our own actions, respecting each others opinions, making sure we include everyone and treating everyone equally. We were planing on making an Eiffel tower but it turned out to be a spider looking thing. I think we could have made something a bit better with  more time but we did pretty good together. 

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Measurement and geometry

WALT find the perimeter and area of regular and irregular shapes.

Me and my class had to find the perimeter of a few shapes. This work was not that hard because we have been learning about it for the past week or so. I am really glad I finished this on time. 

Thursday, May 9, 2019


WALT: think critically about texts and respond accordingly.


REFLECTION: This week we have been reading facts about the digestive system and we also read a story about a man named Ted and his friend that got lost in the wilderness and had to eat mice to survive.

I was surprised that I learnt so many facts about the digestive system and the way Ted and his friend survived in the wild. They must be very brave to have eaten mice to survive.

I was very proud of myself for not getting distracted by my friends and finishing my work with animation, colour and fonts at the best of my abilities.

This week I tried to finish my work on time without anyone distracting me. I also tried to finish my work at a level 4 standard. 

Friday, May 3, 2019

Literacy slides

WALT think critically about texts and response accordingly

Reflection: This slide was very fun to make and I learnt a lot of facts about skeletons. I also liked making the story of someone getting lost at sea with a broken leg.

Tuesday, April 2, 2019


Sentence Structure

WALT: Know the difference between different types of sentences.  

I think sentence structure is a good topic to work on. It is a topic every student should know about.

Treaty of Waitangi

Treaty of Waitangi presentation

WALT: Know more about the treaty of waitangi 

This presentation was very interesting and fun to make. I really recommend looking in to this a bit more for it is a very interesting topic to research on. 

Tuesday, March 5, 2019


We are learning to understand copyright.

Quote: The sun'll come out tomorrow.

I chose this quote/song because the sun always comes out tomorrow for a new day and a new beginning.